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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


United States Marine Corps San Diego Recruiting Depot. Soon this will be my home before I move to Parris Island for three grueling months of humiliation, pain, and triumph. I have decided to forget about school. I will be enlisting in the Marines in July. Well, I hope to be shipping off in July. I know I can't be there too close to winter because my arch nemesis is Cold. I also don't want to be sharing my time with fleas and Heat Stroke. I figure early fall is the ideal time to start. I asked for a recruiter to contact me and so far I have not been contacted back, but if I don't hear from them in a week,  will go there myself and demand to be signed up! I will be starting a workout routine on Monday. One that I did not make up by myself and is designed specifically for people trying to get ready for the PFT. This eight week program is perfect for me in its simplicity, goals, and time frame. Also, Walter will be doing it with me. :D lml/

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One week to go!

In only seven days I will be back in Northridge! I am so excited. My friend Frank is picking me up from the airport and helping me move in. :) Knowing that I get to see him first thing when I get back, makes me twice as happy and anxious for next week. I don't really have much to say. I guess a quick up to date works. I am taking medication for my depression. I have been feeling good recently, but I'm not sure if it is the medication or what because it's not supposed to start working for another couple of weeks.More than likely it's a combination of my emotional cycle and the fact that I have gotten back into a strict schedule of my day. I got up at four-thirty today and I feel very good. When I wake up early, I tend to get stuff done and be happier. I am just trying to figure out the order of things right now. I know that I will have to change it up when I get to CSUN, but that's OK. As long as I know exactly what I need to do, I am fine. I like the peace of the morning. Today, I went out at around six and visited two horses that live near me. Nomally they are a bit wary and ornery, but today, I caught them as they were waking up as well. The boy, Chance, was lying down and Crystal was standing near him. I got to pet and hug and kiss both of them. Chance even let me stroke him while he was lying down, which was a big deal because he doesn't trust much. They were so  fairy tale-ish that I got lost in the moment....until Chance was fully awake and started biting me. Ornery little brat! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Okay, almost done. The year was just about over, and my parents were really desperate to see me, so after lots of begging, I agreed to go. I wanted to fly in and surprise my Dad, but he saw the bill :( It was lucky for me that he did, because he suggested that I bring my boyfriend :D So, Sevan and I boarded our plane and flew into Portland

After getting into Portland, my mom picked us up. She finally got to meet Sevan, and we made the three hour long trip back to my parents' house. Aside from a few communication problems, we had a great time. I totally cashed in this year. I got everything I wanted and more. I really wanted an external hard drive and a flash drive, got it; my mom finished my quilt that we started together, got it; I got some new jeans and cloths that I desperately needed, got it; I got some candy, an itunes card, and some chapstick in my stocking, got it, and I got to enjoy watching Sevan and my parents open the gifts I got for them.


For Thanksgiving, I went with my cousin Sarah up to a family celebration in San Fransisco. It was the first time I have ever been there, and also the first time I ever really went to a family event with out my parents. I loved San Fran, but I could never live there, because I was perpetually motion sick. There are not only a lot of hills in SF, but the hills are steep and high. We stayed in this mansion of a house in Oakland with fourteen other family members. Mostly Aunts, uncles and cousins.

For those of you who are wondering, yes, I did go over the Golden Gate bridge, but my camera ran out of battery, and I have yet to find out how to get photos off my dinosaur of a phone.

On Black Friday, we went shopping, duh. We stopped at this Chinese place called Yank Sing; really awesome food and service. Expensive too, but worth it if you have the money:

The funny thing is that I had unintentionally brought a book about to read that was set in San Fran and Oakland. HA!

Au Revoir


Halloween, I went to two parties: one for the resident hall association (RHA) and one for the Deaf Studies Association (DSA)
At the DSA party, we ate candy and had a pumpkin carving contest and played games
I went with Sevan, Naomi, and Lizzy.

At the RHA party, they turned the community center into a haunted house. It was very well done for something that cost them maybe $20. The thing that really made it kinda scary was the strobe light. After that we just went home. It was an okay Halloween, but not the best I have ever been to.

Au Revoir

Monday, December 26, 2011

holiday update.

So, Christmas has come and gone. I finally am getting comfortable using my nook to go online... Christmas was awesome. It was probabbly the best Christmas ever. I got kissed under the misltoe, I ate prime rib, decorated cookies, and went sledding. I got all the presants I wanted and more. My mom even finished the quilt that we started together! I am going to do a more thorough post once I am safely back at school, and do a post about Thanksgiving and my Birthday (don't judge...I've been busy)

Au Revoir

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oregon or bust

So, it's been more than two months since my last post. It's been a crazy two months! Sevan and I have been getting to know each other better, and I love having a boyfriend. I am finally used to the idea, but sometimes we still look at each other and say, "Boyfriend!" "Girlfriend!" I know it's silly and kinda dorky, but we really love being together. One piece of news. Surprise, surprise, my DAD asked Sevan to fly with me to visit them on Christmas. That means that I get the best of both worlds: I get to enjoy my parents (and them not being disappointed in me) and I get to spend Christmas with my awesome boyfriend! YAYZ :D <--- I got that from Sevan. The first arrangement with sleeping at Sevan's basically all the time did not work out due to his roommates, so now I go over there on the weekends. We still stretch that as much as possible. tee hee. I can't wait for him to meet my parents. I met his family, but honestly, I'm just curious how they respond to him. :P

Au Revoir