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Saturday, June 11, 2011

La Pine

OK, so today I went to La Pine to meet some Deaf people.....BTW if you are smart enough, and really wanted to stalk me, you could've figured out what city I live in. It's not that hard. I got to drive my Dad's truck, which was stressful, yet interesting and fun. Not much happened. We met at a diner called "Gordy's", ordered food and chatted. I could've joined in, but I mostly just observed. I got some contact information, and one of the guys there told me to go to Westside Church. Tonight, I am going to a rodeo. Yeah, that's right, be jealous! Cowboy hats, dust, hotdogs, cattle....cowboys. Good Times. Maybe I'll tell you about it, maybe I won't. You'll just have to wait and see. :)

Au Revoir