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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One week to go!

In only seven days I will be back in Northridge! I am so excited. My friend Frank is picking me up from the airport and helping me move in. :) Knowing that I get to see him first thing when I get back, makes me twice as happy and anxious for next week. I don't really have much to say. I guess a quick up to date works. I am taking medication for my depression. I have been feeling good recently, but I'm not sure if it is the medication or what because it's not supposed to start working for another couple of weeks.More than likely it's a combination of my emotional cycle and the fact that I have gotten back into a strict schedule of my day. I got up at four-thirty today and I feel very good. When I wake up early, I tend to get stuff done and be happier. I am just trying to figure out the order of things right now. I know that I will have to change it up when I get to CSUN, but that's OK. As long as I know exactly what I need to do, I am fine. I like the peace of the morning. Today, I went out at around six and visited two horses that live near me. Nomally they are a bit wary and ornery, but today, I caught them as they were waking up as well. The boy, Chance, was lying down and Crystal was standing near him. I got to pet and hug and kiss both of them. Chance even let me stroke him while he was lying down, which was a big deal because he doesn't trust much. They were so  fairy tale-ish that I got lost in the moment....until Chance was fully awake and started biting me. Ornery little brat! :)