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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


You. Yes, you. I know you've been squirming in your chair for weeks, waiting to hear about my life and hoping I get the chance to travel and update my blog. Well, the time has come. (Thinks about the poem of the Walrus and the Carpenter). Over Easter, my mom and dad and I went to Reno to celebrate my grandpa's 75th birthday. We also had a brunch for Easter. The brunch was the only Easter-y thing we did, although I did get a small bag of goodies.

                                                          First was the looooooong drive up; about eight or nine hours:

then the two night stay at resort and casino, were I learned to play Black Jack. Then over to my cousin Liz's little teeny apartment for mimosa (yuck!). If you don't know, mimosa is a champagne drink with juice. Specifically orange juice. If you put champagne  with cranberry juice, then it becomes samosa, which is what i had.  If you are sensitive to the taste of alcohol, like me, then its best to have juice with a splash of champagne instead of the other way around. Then it was off to the clubhouse to decorate for the party. The party was fun and i got to see most of my favorite relatives...and a few of the weird ones I barely know. Here's what the party looked like:

Photo booth (i.e. adult dress up)

Head table with pineapples

Me, Liz, and Sarah

Um...if you don't know what that is, then you have problems

Aunt(?) Diane

Giants table

            The party was great. Food, foolishness, dress-up, laughing, adults getting "not drunk". It was so much fun, plus I got to interact with people I know. GASP. After the party, my dad took me to the fun center at the resort. That man has magic fingers. he hit, like three jackpots there. I ended up with almost two thousand tickets, which I promptly spent on huge plush nun-chucks and a bunch of candy. Ughhh. All. That. Candy.

            Halloween and Easter are the worst holidays for me because I always  get sick from too much candy. I have a chronic sweet tooth (I'm trying to stop, really I am). So, I accumulated SO MUCH CANDY over the weekend. Before I left, I bought a bag of peppermints; at the fun center, I got a bunch of Laffy Taffy, smarties, tootsie rolls, and Starbursts; for Easter, I got a larg-ish box of Runts, gum,a box of reeses eggs, and a chocolate cross; while I was there, I ate jelly beans and mints and bazooka bubble gum; and on the way back home, I got a free ice cream from McDonald's (more on that later). Suffice to say, I am not eating anything sugary today.

        Later, we went to my grandpa's house. I spent the first night on the floor in a sleeping bag. The next day, we had an Easter brunch. My cousin, Liz brought stuff from her work at Einstein Bros. Bagels, her mom brought champagne (they love alcohol in that family), and we provided the "unch" part with leftover chicken, ribs, and brisket. After everyone went home, we just chilled and hung around the house. I read a book about how to survive the zombie apocalypse and ate candy. I also walked my favorite buddy ever, Buddy (their dog). He farts (and it smells BAAAD) but he is cute and loves to snuggle. The only problem, which i've found in most dogs....and guys, is that they will sit there and let you pet them and kiss them and snuggle with them and talk to them all day. Then some random person with food comes along, and it's like you don't even exist! he trick is to be the one with the kisses AND the food.

       The next day, we left for home.  On the way home, we stopped at two places that matter. One was a Mongolian buffet. Now, I love Asian food to begin with, but having a buffet, makes it forty-two times cooler. First you get a bowl, and fill it with noodles, then you top it with a bunch of veggies and such...whatever you want, then you get to top THAT with oils and flavoring and spices. Once you have your ideal mix, you give it to the guy behind the counter, who cooks it on this huge circular stone- thing. It's kind of like Benihana's, except that you get to choose exactly what yo want in your dish. Later, we stopped at McDonald's. My dad asked for a chocolate dipped ice cream, and after about five minutes, the workers said that the chocolate was too hot to cool off right, so he got a misshapen dipped cone and all three of us got free sundaes! Wanna know what's fun? Trying to add peanuts to your sundae in the dark, on the road, then trying to eat that. HAHA. Any who, we got back last night, and I . Was. Tired. Today, I am still tired. I want to get back to work and be all responsible, but I really feel like sleeping in front of the TV with a huge bottle of water and some real food. One last thing. THERE IS NO FREAKIN' FOOD IN THIS HOUSE! I mean, there's food, but not food I can eat in a meal, unless I go to the trouble of finding a recipe online and making a big deal out of it. I mean, i can't make a meal out of canned garbanzo beans and relish, can I? Summer, I am so glad that you enjoy your "new" typewriter. Skype me if you have any trouble with it, so I can throw up my hands and laugh at you, because idk either.  :)
Au Revoir

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