So, Christmas has come and gone. I finally am getting comfortable using my nook to go online... Christmas was awesome. It was probabbly the best Christmas ever. I got kissed under the misltoe, I ate prime rib, decorated cookies, and went sledding. I got all the presants I wanted and more. My mom even finished the quilt that we started together! I am going to do a more thorough post once I am safely back at school, and do a post about Thanksgiving and my Birthday (don't judge...I've been busy)
Au Revoir
OK guys...or at this point, one close friend and anyone who stumbles across my account. I have three blogs because Google told me there were problems. This one is for my travel notions, events, ideas, and fantasies. I hope I get at least two followers and a few comments. last time I tried to do a blog, I lost the pass word. If you find it, it is called 42 reasons to be a dog, but I cant get in, so it will stay that way FOREVER....Enjoy!
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Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oregon or bust
So, it's been more than two months since my last post. It's been a crazy two months! Sevan and I have been getting to know each other better, and I love having a boyfriend. I am finally used to the idea, but sometimes we still look at each other and say, "Boyfriend!" "Girlfriend!" I know it's silly and kinda dorky, but we really love being together. One piece of news. Surprise, surprise, my DAD asked Sevan to fly with me to visit them on Christmas. That means that I get the best of both worlds: I get to enjoy my parents (and them not being disappointed in me) and I get to spend Christmas with my awesome boyfriend! YAYZ :D <--- I got that from Sevan. The first arrangement with sleeping at Sevan's basically all the time did not work out due to his roommates, so now I go over there on the weekends. We still stretch that as much as possible. tee hee. I can't wait for him to meet my parents. I met his family, but honestly, I'm just curious how they respond to him. :P
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Yes I know this is a bit late, but just so you know, I made it to CSUN. I am actually a bit surprised that I made it here alive...The ride was very long and I couldn't drive due to lack of insurance, My parents have been acting icky to me lately. i think because they don't want me to go, but at the same time because they can't wait to get rid of me. I was already stressed about the idea of coming here. Being on campus has it's ups and downs. On the upside, I can take care of things much more easily now. I just go to the office relating to my problem and talk to them about it. Another things is that a lot of the little details that I was worried about are smoothed out. I am getting more confident with my signing skills and there is a lot of support from the LightHouse community here. The problem with being on campus is the fact that I am sort of cut off from the world in general. I pretty much stay on campus or within a mile of campus unless I am in a car going to church or something. I am having the same problems with my parents that I had with the school before. If I need something from them, I can't just run upstairs and ask them. I have to call or email them, and dealing with new things is harder because they can't walk me through it. Right now I am dealing with a stupid medical charge, but I can't figure out what my user id and password is for the website is, and i don't even know if i am on the right one. Also, I almost miss their nagging. I am behind on some homework because I am spending so much time with my boyfriend, and I am having trouble managing my time, not to mention the deal with buying food. If I had a job, I think most of my problems would be solved. My parents want me to pay for the medical charge, and i dont know how, seeing as the only income I have is from them. bleh.
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
No, you are not the 1,000,000th viewer
So, you know those surveys and things you can do to win a bunch of money or a trip to some really cool place? The one nobody seems to win? I wish I could be the one person to win. I am so worn out right now. So, tired. I know, I know, "Ces't la vie" and all that. Everybody works long hours at a job they hate, have problems with money, and wish their parents would get off their backs. Everyone wonders why they can never seem to get what they want out of the opposite sex. Everyone feels like no matter how hard they try, nothing ever seems to work out or get better. I am no different than the millions of miserable people living on the earth today, trying to scrape by, and figure out why God put them here to begin with. Still, sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be the one person who does get lucky. Finds true love. Wins the lottery. Goes on an all-inclusive vacation to Hawaii. Finds that sweet spot with perfect reception and free wifi. Becomes the most loved person at their job, school, family, etc. Has a job that pays well and that they love. It would be nice. Again. I know I'm whining. I know it will never happen. I just like to be as poetic and loquacious as I can will I pout in the corner. Maybe if I wax on enough, life will get tired of my whining and get better? Yeah, and maybe prince charming will literally canter up to me at dusk on a beautiful white steed, and sweep me off my feet and carry me off into the sunset, with my hair streaming perfectly behind me, while we kiss passionately and don't fall off the horse, and we'll live happily ever after with 2.6 kids, a dog, a white picket fence, and just enough money to be comfortable, while maintaining familial bliss.
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Saturday, June 11, 2011
La Pine
OK, so today I went to La Pine to meet some Deaf people.....BTW if you are smart enough, and really wanted to stalk me, you could've figured out what city I live in. It's not that hard. I got to drive my Dad's truck, which was stressful, yet interesting and fun. Not much happened. We met at a diner called "Gordy's", ordered food and chatted. I could've joined in, but I mostly just observed. I got some contact information, and one of the guys there told me to go to Westside Church. Tonight, I am going to a rodeo. Yeah, that's right, be jealous! Cowboy hats, dust, hotdogs, cattle....cowboys. Good Times. Maybe I'll tell you about it, maybe I won't. You'll just have to wait and see. :)
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I finally have something to write about in here! Even though Summer is the only one reading this, and she knows most of it, that's ok, I've got pictures and details and jokes...etc.
So, day 1, I woke up on Thursday at four, but didn't actually get up until just before 4:30. My mom and I left the house at five-ish. I offered to drive part of the way to Portland, but she said no. So, I promptly fell asleep :) It was a looong three hours. We got to the hotel in Portland were we would stay on our way back, and had breakfast at "Elmer's Cafe". Good food. Then to the airport via shuttle. My mom talked to the driver about the world's end. He believed that it was going to end on Saturday (which it didn't). We got to the airport and I had to get my boarding pass, and my mom had to check in some luggage. here's a picture of my boarding pass. See if you can figure out why I was so excited when I saw it:
No? still don't see it? Here, let me zoom that in for you":
NOW do you see it? teehee. Any who, we had to wait for our DELAYED flight in Oakland.Bleh.
We finally got into San Diego around seven-ish and spent the nights at my friend Lizzy's house
I love the fuzzy blanket more than her!!!!
Her kitty, twilight (I know, no need to comment there)
We disagree on who's fuzzy blanket that is. Day 2 Friday (do NOT insert a badly sung youtube sensation here. DON'T), we got up at, yup you guessed it, 4 in the morning. Her mom drove us three to four hours to CSUN. We slept a lot and listened to music:
The campus was huge! and beautiful! and there were places for bikes and lots of grass! and a store to buy yummies! (Yes, I'm and adult who says 'yummies')
While there, I had to take an assessment to see if I am eligible for IEP. I can't really divulge what happened there. We drove back (it took a few more hours to get back because of work traffic). We got back around eight, and I immediately hopped a bus to Coffee Bean for ASL night. I got to see many friends...including W---. It was a little bit awkward, but I got over that quickly. More about W--- and I in 42 reasons to be or not to be... me
Day 3 Saturday, I spent at Summer's house. Endless silliness, tickles and girl talk. We went over to downtown and walked around, bought art supplies, and took pix by a fountain:
June. my lovely little model
Did I say lovely? yeah, that's what I meant...lovely.
Told ya so!
This is the only pic of the fountain that I took without people
Day four Sunday, I did two things:
Went to dinner with my friend
Day 5 Monday, I went home. My mom picked me up at ten. We went to lunch with friends, and drove to the airport. We got delayed, again. Our plane was overbooked, so we gave up our seats for compensation. So, we waited in the airport for longer. We made many airport friends. One was an older lady, on our flight on Day 1, who gave me her nachos. Another was a gentleman who came to San Diego to meet a lady he met online. He gave me guy advice. SO funny. He also is a christian and offered to help me get involved in an opportunity that involves going to Africa and ministering. FOR FREE. let's see, go to Africa for free, help people, learn about the culture there, do God's work, not have my parents around to nag me...uh YES! My mom and I finally got to Portland and spent the night at a hotel. In the morning, we went to IKEA (because there isn't one in my city) and bought stuff for my dorm. Then we had lunch in IKEA and headed home. I told her about W----. I didn't give her EVERY detail (I haven't told anyone that). On the way back home, I saw this palindrome street sign:
Monday, May 2, 2011
Pros and Cons of Travelling
Ok, so I get to travel to LA area for a school thing at the end of May and then hang in San Diego for a few days.
YAY!!! The pros here are:
1. I get to visit the school
2. I get to do something productive
3. I get to travel
4. I get to see my friends....and W-----
The Cons are:
1. I have to miss work again
2. I dont get paid if I can't work
3. It's expensive
4. Traveling can be stressful if there is a specific goal
I'll let you know the details when I get back ;)
Au Revoir
YAY!!! The pros here are:
1. I get to visit the school
2. I get to do something productive
3. I get to travel
4. I get to see my friends....and W-----
The Cons are:
1. I have to miss work again
2. I dont get paid if I can't work
3. It's expensive
4. Traveling can be stressful if there is a specific goal
I'll let you know the details when I get back ;)
Au Revoir
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
You. Yes, you. I know you've been squirming in your chair for weeks, waiting to hear about my life and hoping I get the chance to travel and update my blog. Well, the time has come. (Thinks about the poem of the Walrus and the Carpenter). Over Easter, my mom and dad and I went to Reno to celebrate my grandpa's 75th birthday. We also had a brunch for Easter. The brunch was the only Easter-y thing we did, although I did get a small bag of goodies.
First was the looooooong drive up; about eight or nine hours:
then the two night stay at resort and casino, were I learned to play Black Jack. Then over to my cousin Liz's little teeny apartment for mimosa (yuck!). If you don't know, mimosa is a champagne drink with juice. Specifically orange juice. If you put champagne with cranberry juice, then it becomes samosa, which is what i had. If you are sensitive to the taste of alcohol, like me, then its best to have juice with a splash of champagne instead of the other way around. Then it was off to the clubhouse to decorate for the party. The party was fun and i got to see most of my favorite relatives...and a few of the weird ones I barely know. Here's what the party looked like:
The party was great. Food, foolishness, dress-up, laughing, adults getting "not drunk". It was so much fun, plus I got to interact with people I know. GASP. After the party, my dad took me to the fun center at the resort. That man has magic fingers. he hit, like three jackpots there. I ended up with almost two thousand tickets, which I promptly spent on huge plush nun-chucks and a bunch of candy. Ughhh. All. That. Candy.
Halloween and Easter are the worst holidays for me because I always get sick from too much candy. I have a chronic sweet tooth (I'm trying to stop, really I am). So, I accumulated SO MUCH CANDY over the weekend. Before I left, I bought a bag of peppermints; at the fun center, I got a bunch of Laffy Taffy, smarties, tootsie rolls, and Starbursts; for Easter, I got a larg-ish box of Runts, gum,a box of reeses eggs, and a chocolate cross; while I was there, I ate jelly beans and mints and bazooka bubble gum; and on the way back home, I got a free ice cream from McDonald's (more on that later). Suffice to say, I am not eating anything sugary today.
Later, we went to my grandpa's house. I spent the first night on the floor in a sleeping bag. The next day, we had an Easter brunch. My cousin, Liz brought stuff from her work at Einstein Bros. Bagels, her mom brought champagne (they love alcohol in that family), and we provided the "unch" part with leftover chicken, ribs, and brisket. After everyone went home, we just chilled and hung around the house. I read a book about how to survive the zombie apocalypse and ate candy. I also walked my favorite buddy ever, Buddy (their dog). He farts (and it smells BAAAD) but he is cute and loves to snuggle. The only problem, which i've found in most dogs....and guys, is that they will sit there and let you pet them and kiss them and snuggle with them and talk to them all day. Then some random person with food comes along, and it's like you don't even exist! he trick is to be the one with the kisses AND the food.
The next day, we left for home. On the way home, we stopped at two places that matter. One was a Mongolian buffet. Now, I love Asian food to begin with, but having a buffet, makes it forty-two times cooler. First you get a bowl, and fill it with noodles, then you top it with a bunch of veggies and such...whatever you want, then you get to top THAT with oils and flavoring and spices. Once you have your ideal mix, you give it to the guy behind the counter, who cooks it on this huge circular stone- thing. It's kind of like Benihana's, except that you get to choose exactly what yo want in your dish. Later, we stopped at McDonald's. My dad asked for a chocolate dipped ice cream, and after about five minutes, the workers said that the chocolate was too hot to cool off right, so he got a misshapen dipped cone and all three of us got free sundaes! Wanna know what's fun? Trying to add peanuts to your sundae in the dark, on the road, then trying to eat that. HAHA. Any who, we got back last night, and I . Was. Tired. Today, I am still tired. I want to get back to work and be all responsible, but I really feel like sleeping in front of the TV with a huge bottle of water and some real food. One last thing. THERE IS NO FREAKIN' FOOD IN THIS HOUSE! I mean, there's food, but not food I can eat in a meal, unless I go to the trouble of finding a recipe online and making a big deal out of it. I mean, i can't make a meal out of canned garbanzo beans and relish, can I? Summer, I am so glad that you enjoy your "new" typewriter. Skype me if you have any trouble with it, so I can throw up my hands and laugh at you, because idk either. :)
Au Revoir
First was the looooooong drive up; about eight or nine hours:
then the two night stay at resort and casino, were I learned to play Black Jack. Then over to my cousin Liz's little teeny apartment for mimosa (yuck!). If you don't know, mimosa is a champagne drink with juice. Specifically orange juice. If you put champagne with cranberry juice, then it becomes samosa, which is what i had. If you are sensitive to the taste of alcohol, like me, then its best to have juice with a splash of champagne instead of the other way around. Then it was off to the clubhouse to decorate for the party. The party was fun and i got to see most of my favorite relatives...and a few of the weird ones I barely know. Here's what the party looked like:
Photo booth (i.e. adult dress up) |
Head table with pineapples |
Me, Liz, and Sarah |
Um...if you don't know what that is, then you have problems |
Aunt(?) Diane |
Giants table |
Halloween and Easter are the worst holidays for me because I always get sick from too much candy. I have a chronic sweet tooth (I'm trying to stop, really I am). So, I accumulated SO MUCH CANDY over the weekend. Before I left, I bought a bag of peppermints; at the fun center, I got a bunch of Laffy Taffy, smarties, tootsie rolls, and Starbursts; for Easter, I got a larg-ish box of Runts, gum,a box of reeses eggs, and a chocolate cross; while I was there, I ate jelly beans and mints and bazooka bubble gum; and on the way back home, I got a free ice cream from McDonald's (more on that later). Suffice to say, I am not eating anything sugary today.
Later, we went to my grandpa's house. I spent the first night on the floor in a sleeping bag. The next day, we had an Easter brunch. My cousin, Liz brought stuff from her work at Einstein Bros. Bagels, her mom brought champagne (they love alcohol in that family), and we provided the "unch" part with leftover chicken, ribs, and brisket. After everyone went home, we just chilled and hung around the house. I read a book about how to survive the zombie apocalypse and ate candy. I also walked my favorite buddy ever, Buddy (their dog). He farts (and it smells BAAAD) but he is cute and loves to snuggle. The only problem, which i've found in most dogs....and guys, is that they will sit there and let you pet them and kiss them and snuggle with them and talk to them all day. Then some random person with food comes along, and it's like you don't even exist! he trick is to be the one with the kisses AND the food.
The next day, we left for home. On the way home, we stopped at two places that matter. One was a Mongolian buffet. Now, I love Asian food to begin with, but having a buffet, makes it forty-two times cooler. First you get a bowl, and fill it with noodles, then you top it with a bunch of veggies and such...whatever you want, then you get to top THAT with oils and flavoring and spices. Once you have your ideal mix, you give it to the guy behind the counter, who cooks it on this huge circular stone- thing. It's kind of like Benihana's, except that you get to choose exactly what yo want in your dish. Later, we stopped at McDonald's. My dad asked for a chocolate dipped ice cream, and after about five minutes, the workers said that the chocolate was too hot to cool off right, so he got a misshapen dipped cone and all three of us got free sundaes! Wanna know what's fun? Trying to add peanuts to your sundae in the dark, on the road, then trying to eat that. HAHA. Any who, we got back last night, and I . Was. Tired. Today, I am still tired. I want to get back to work and be all responsible, but I really feel like sleeping in front of the TV with a huge bottle of water and some real food. One last thing. THERE IS NO FREAKIN' FOOD IN THIS HOUSE! I mean, there's food, but not food I can eat in a meal, unless I go to the trouble of finding a recipe online and making a big deal out of it. I mean, i can't make a meal out of canned garbanzo beans and relish, can I? Summer, I am so glad that you enjoy your "new" typewriter. Skype me if you have any trouble with it, so I can throw up my hands and laugh at you, because idk either. :)
Au Revoir
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Down the Rabbit Hole
This actually looks bigger than it is because I'm far back in the picture, but I had to military crawl to get through.
That's better-ish. My Dad took that picture. My Mom insisted that we take our pampered Chow dog along with us *rolls eyes* and then proceeds to need our help getting her to climb over various obstacles.
This is a picture of Zoey, cowering and trying to figure out how to climb the "scawy wocks."
"Don't go towards the light." "I can't help it; it's so beautiful!"
Au Revoir
Monday, March 21, 2011
Mass Transportation
So, today, I am going to work. Since I don't own a car, I go by bus most of the time. Fun right? No wondering if you are lost or if you have enough gas. trade off is a ---- unfortunately. You do have to worry about timing and if you missed your stop. Also, you just have to wonder when the person next to you took a bath. I can't wait....?
I found out that a fourteen hour drive from here in Oregon, to LA is turned into a thirty hour vacation by bus. Luckily for me, I won't be worried about that. all I need to remember is that it is a six hour bus ride to San Diego from LA. Not to bad, considering that it is a two to three hour drive by car.
Au Revoir
I found out that a fourteen hour drive from here in Oregon, to LA is turned into a thirty hour vacation by bus. Luckily for me, I won't be worried about that. all I need to remember is that it is a six hour bus ride to San Diego from LA. Not to bad, considering that it is a two to three hour drive by car.
Au Revoir
Whether the weather is good or whether the weather is bad
As I said in my last post, I don't like driving much..too much stress. I used to have a car, but no more (darn economy). I still occasionally drive my parents's cars. Sometimes, I have to drive when the weather is bad. recently, I have driven in hail, snow, rain, and slush. I learned something though; it is one thing to drive while it's snowing, its another thing altogether to try to drive ON the snow. When it is snowing and the ground is semi-wet, it's like driving in rain. Be careful and watch the road. if, however, you are driving ON the snow, there are no lane markers, you can fishtail, skid, and/or hydroplane. other people are stupider and you have to be careful of them. Sometimes the electricity will go out, and traffic lights become faux stop signs, which other drivers dutifully ignore, and it is cold. Question, am I the only one out there that actually pays strict attention to the rules of the road? I don't deviate from the manual at all! Am I the only one? Huh? Cuz every time I ask., I get the same answer, "Go ask your mother"....wait,no, that's wrong...." Oh, it doesn't matter; just do what everyone else is doing and you'll be fine."
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My Perfect Vacation
I don't have a lot of money or time to travel. Right now, I'm trying to pay for college, but a girl can dream...can't she?
Two words people...ROAD TRIP! I have heard it said that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. All that said, when I'm on the open road, no traffic, no worries; just gazing out at the beautiful world God made, wind messing up my hair. I feel fantastic and free!
Now, to be perfectly honest, I hate driving in the city. There's so much chaos and frustration is relation to it. The country is a different story all together. In the country, there is hardly anyone to bother you. You can just go along, at whatever pace you please, with the windows down, and your music up and your hair blowing in the breeze.
My perfect vacation would be me and a few friends just picking up our few belongings and basically telling normal society "screw you". I don't have many material things anyway. All we would need is a car, a computer, our cell phones, a camera, and some cash. We'd take a few months to tour the country, hitting all the tourist spots, being silly and carefree. We'd also hit a few spots that I've always wanted to go. We'd start off by following (loosely) Route 66, making sure to take time fr the Four Corners and the Grand Canyon. From there, we'd Go to Niagara Falls...maybe even skip across to Canada for a few hours, then to New York for a Broadway show and to act "absolutely fabulous da'ling". Then down the coast to New Jersey and Washington DC to see the center of the country and Gallaudet University. Then to Virginia to visit some friends. After that, Florida and Disney World/ Universal Studios. After that, we'd just meander through out the other states, lazily making our way back to California, were we'd chill with friends and "family" before having to go home and reenter society. Of course, We'd have oodles of video, pictures, stories and songs to post on this blog, but don't hold your breath...I said breath! This won't happen for a while. In the meantime, I'll tell you about my other adventures. Most of these will be originating in Oregon, Washington and California.
Au Revoir
Two words people...ROAD TRIP! I have heard it said that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. All that said, when I'm on the open road, no traffic, no worries; just gazing out at the beautiful world God made, wind messing up my hair. I feel fantastic and free!
Now, to be perfectly honest, I hate driving in the city. There's so much chaos and frustration is relation to it. The country is a different story all together. In the country, there is hardly anyone to bother you. You can just go along, at whatever pace you please, with the windows down, and your music up and your hair blowing in the breeze.
My perfect vacation would be me and a few friends just picking up our few belongings and basically telling normal society "screw you". I don't have many material things anyway. All we would need is a car, a computer, our cell phones, a camera, and some cash. We'd take a few months to tour the country, hitting all the tourist spots, being silly and carefree. We'd also hit a few spots that I've always wanted to go. We'd start off by following (loosely) Route 66, making sure to take time fr the Four Corners and the Grand Canyon. From there, we'd Go to Niagara Falls...maybe even skip across to Canada for a few hours, then to New York for a Broadway show and to act "absolutely fabulous da'ling". Then down the coast to New Jersey and Washington DC to see the center of the country and Gallaudet University. Then to Virginia to visit some friends. After that, Florida and Disney World/ Universal Studios. After that, we'd just meander through out the other states, lazily making our way back to California, were we'd chill with friends and "family" before having to go home and reenter society. Of course, We'd have oodles of video, pictures, stories and songs to post on this blog, but don't hold your breath...I said breath! This won't happen for a while. In the meantime, I'll tell you about my other adventures. Most of these will be originating in Oregon, Washington and California.
Au Revoir
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