I finally have something to write about in here! Even though Summer is the only one reading this, and she knows most of it, that's ok, I've got pictures and details and jokes...etc.
So, day 1, I woke up on Thursday at four, but didn't actually get up until just before 4:30. My mom and I left the house at five-ish. I offered to drive part of the way to Portland, but she said no. So, I promptly fell asleep :) It was a looong three hours. We got to the hotel in Portland were we would stay on our way back, and had breakfast at "Elmer's Cafe". Good food. Then to the airport via shuttle. My mom talked to the driver about the world's end. He believed that it was going to end on Saturday (which it didn't). We got to the airport and I had to get my boarding pass, and my mom had to check in some luggage. here's a picture of my boarding pass. See if you can figure out why I was so excited when I saw it:
No? still don't see it? Here, let me zoom that in for you":
NOW do you see it? teehee. Any who, we had to wait for our DELAYED flight in Oakland.Bleh.
We finally got into San Diego around seven-ish and spent the nights at my friend Lizzy's house
I love the fuzzy blanket more than her!!!!
Her kitty, twilight (I know, no need to comment there)
We disagree on who's fuzzy blanket that is. Day 2 Friday (do NOT insert a badly sung youtube sensation here. DON'T), we got up at, yup you guessed it, 4 in the morning. Her mom drove us three to four hours to CSUN. We slept a lot and listened to music:
The campus was huge! and beautiful! and there were places for bikes and lots of grass! and a store to buy yummies! (Yes, I'm and adult who says 'yummies')
While there, I had to take an assessment to see if I am eligible for IEP. I can't really divulge what happened there. We drove back (it took a few more hours to get back because of work traffic). We got back around eight, and I immediately hopped a bus to Coffee Bean for ASL night. I got to see many friends...including W---. It was a little bit awkward, but I got over that quickly. More about W--- and I in 42 reasons to be or not to be... me
Day 3 Saturday, I spent at Summer's house. Endless silliness, tickles and girl talk. We went over to downtown and walked around, bought art supplies, and took pix by a fountain:
June. my lovely little model
Did I say lovely? yeah, that's what I meant...lovely.
Told ya so!
This is the only pic of the fountain that I took without people
Day four Sunday, I did two things:
Went to dinner with my friend
Day 5 Monday, I went home. My mom picked me up at ten. We went to lunch with friends, and drove to the airport. We got delayed, again. Our plane was overbooked, so we gave up our seats for compensation. So, we waited in the airport for longer. We made many airport friends. One was an older lady, on our flight on Day 1, who gave me her nachos. Another was a gentleman who came to San Diego to meet a lady he met online. He gave me guy advice. SO funny. He also is a christian and offered to help me get involved in an opportunity that involves going to Africa and ministering. FOR FREE. let's see, go to Africa for free, help people, learn about the culture there, do God's work, not have my parents around to nag me...uh YES! My mom and I finally got to Portland and spent the night at a hotel. In the morning, we went to IKEA (because there isn't one in my city) and bought stuff for my dorm. Then we had lunch in IKEA and headed home. I told her about W----. I didn't give her EVERY detail (I haven't told anyone that). On the way back home, I saw this palindrome street sign: