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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole

At least I had stairs. My parents and I went to this area that had a bunch of caves. One of them (above) is called Boyd Caves, but I call it "Rabbit Hole" because often, it will narrow so one has to crouch or crawl to get through.

This actually looks bigger than it is because I'm far back in the picture, but I had to military crawl to get through.

That's better-ish. My Dad took that picture. My Mom insisted that we take our pampered Chow dog along with us *rolls eyes* and then proceeds to need our help getting her to climb over various obstacles.

This is a picture of Zoey, cowering and trying to figure out how to climb the "scawy wocks."

"Don't go towards the light." "I can't help it; it's so beautiful!"

Au Revoir

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mass Transportation

So, today, I am going to work. Since I don't own a car, I go by bus most of the time. Fun right? No wondering if you are lost or if you have enough gas. trade off is a ---- unfortunately. You do have to worry about timing and if you missed your stop. Also, you just have to wonder when the person next to you took a bath. I can't wait....?

I found out that a fourteen hour drive from here in Oregon, to LA is turned into a thirty hour  vacation by bus. Luckily for me, I won't be worried about that. all I need to remember is that it is a six hour bus ride to San Diego from LA. Not to bad, considering that it is a two to three hour drive by car.

Au Revoir

Whether the weather is good or whether the weather is bad

As I said in my last post, I don't like driving much..too much stress. I used to have a car, but no more (darn economy). I still occasionally drive my parents's cars. Sometimes, I have to drive when the weather is bad. recently, I have driven in hail, snow, rain, and slush. I learned something though; it is one thing to drive while it's snowing, its another thing altogether to try to drive ON the snow. When it is snowing and the ground is semi-wet, it's like driving in rain. Be careful and watch the road. if, however, you are driving ON the snow, there are no lane markers, you can fishtail, skid, and/or hydroplane. other people are stupider and you have to be careful of them. Sometimes the electricity will go out, and traffic lights become faux stop signs, which other drivers dutifully ignore, and it is cold. Question, am I the only one out there that actually pays strict attention to the rules of the road? I don't deviate from the manual at all! Am I the only one? Huh? Cuz every time I ask., I get the same answer, "Go ask your mother"....wait,no, that's wrong...." Oh, it doesn't matter; just do what everyone else is doing and you'll be fine."

Au Revoir

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Perfect Vacation

I don't have a lot of money or time to travel. Right now, I'm trying to pay for college, but a girl can dream...can't she?
Two words people...ROAD TRIP! I have heard it said that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. All that said, when I'm on the open road, no traffic, no worries; just gazing out at the beautiful world God made, wind messing up my hair. I feel fantastic and free!

Now, to be perfectly honest, I hate driving in the city. There's so much chaos and frustration is relation to it. The country is a different story all together. In the country, there is hardly anyone to bother you. You can just go along, at whatever pace you please, with the windows down, and your music up and your hair blowing in the breeze.

My perfect vacation would be me and a few friends just picking up our few belongings and basically telling normal society "screw you". I don't have many material things anyway. All we would need is a car, a computer, our cell phones, a camera, and some cash. We'd take a few months to tour the country, hitting all the tourist spots, being silly and carefree. We'd also hit a few spots that I've always wanted to go. We'd start off by following (loosely) Route 66, making sure to take time fr the Four Corners and the Grand Canyon. From there, we'd Go to Niagara Falls...maybe even skip across to Canada for a few hours, then to New York for a Broadway show and to act "absolutely fabulous da'ling". Then down the coast to New Jersey and Washington DC to see the center of the country and Gallaudet University. Then to Virginia to visit some friends. After that, Florida and Disney World/ Universal Studios. After that, we'd just meander through out the other states, lazily making our way back to California, were we'd chill with friends and "family" before having to go home and reenter society. Of course, We'd have oodles of video, pictures, stories and songs to post on this blog, but don't hold your breath...I said breath! This won't happen for a while. In the meantime, I'll tell you about my other adventures. Most of these will be originating in Oregon, Washington and California.

 Au Revoir